Graphing your ovulation is when you take your temperature first thing in the morning. You should always do so before you move around because when you move around your temperature goes up. Ovulation is usually when your temperature rises 4-6 tenths of a degree. Usually mine drops a couple of degrees the day before ovulation, than rises around 5 or 6 degrees. I also found another website called Family Planning that describes what kind of bodily changes to look for during ovulation.
My doctor is also wanting to check my husband's 'swimmers' He said there has been an increase in men being infertile lately. I guess infertility in a man can happen any time for unknown reasons. So, a man can father a child and then become infertile and not be able to conceive another one. I never knew this before. I really hope this isn't what is going on. If it is, then I have no idea what the next step would be. I should have asked my doctor, but of course that information took me by surprise. My husband isn't very enthused about getting checked. Like it's a shot at his manhood or something! I'm more of the type that I just want to know either way what we're working with. I have to graph for 2 months and then go back for a follow up appointment, so hopefully we'll be expecting soon!! BTW I just love this picture I posted. I have no idea who the photographer is. My friend sent it to me recently and I fell in love with it and wanted to share it with all of you!